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"The environmental crisis is a design crisis. It is a consequence of how things are done ..."

- Van der Ryn and Cowan, 1996

During the educational reform of the late 1990s, the subject of Technological Education was incorporated into the national curriculum, which had the purpose of allowing students to develop skills to solve problems in which the introduction of technology could increase the quality of life (ELTON N, 1999).


In countries such as Great Britain, Australia and Germany, references for the implementation of the subject in Chile, the subject is called Design and Technology - recognizing the role of design within the area of ​​technology training - however, in Chile it became invisible as omitted within its labeling, making it difficult to transfer knowledge from the discipline to the classroom, since many new methodologies, such as people-centered design, do not permeate primary schools (Klapwijk & Doorn, 2015).


Despite this, the curricular base of the subject, developed under the General Law of Education, Law 20.370, highlights design as the primary axis, giving it to the discipline of design - through its projectual, interdisciplinary and humanizing capacity of the technologies - the opportunity to influence public education and consequently the development of creative industries (Castillo, 2014).

At present the subject is compulsory from 1st grade to 2nd grade, with a minimum of two hours a week and its purpose is that “students understand the relationship of human beings with the artificial world. This understanding implies recognizing that through technology, humanity has tried to satisfy its needs and desires, and solve its problems in many dimensions ” (“ Tecnología — Curriculum Nacional, MINEDUC ”, 2019).

.... Cosmopolitan design.

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